Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
Arrival: Hug and Go
Morning Procedures aka “Drop Off”
Morning Arrival
7:30 am- 7:45 am Grades TK--5 who are getting breakfast may begin arriving at school and report directly to the cafeteria.
7:45 am Grades TK-5 begin arriving (no breakfast), report to the amphitheater and sit with same grade peers.
7:50 am Grades 1 – 5 walk to their class lines on the blacktop. Students who arrive after 8:00 AM must go to the office for a tardy slip.
8:00 am Grades 1-5 class begins, and the teacher walks students to class.
8:05 am TK/Kindergarten classes begin. Teachers walk students to class.
Our staff will walk each child directly to the car. It is parent responsibility to properly buckle the safety belts inside the car.
Afternoon Dismissal Procedures aka “Pick Up”
Afternoon Dismissal
(Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday only)
1:10 pm TK classes dismiss at the front of school
1:35 pm Kinder drivers may enter car line.
1:37 pm Kinder dismisses in front of school.
1:55 pm Drivers for Grades 1 – 3 may enter the carline. If you enter before 1:55 pm, you will be asked to exit the parking lot and reenter the end of the car line.
2:09 pm Grades 1 – 3 classes walk to front of school.
Students will sit and wait on the stairs.
2:09 pm Drivers will proceed forward to the pick up area. Please do not go around another car unless a staff member instructs you to do so.
2:25 pm Drivers for the upper grade pick up will start to enter the carline. If you enter before 2:25 pm, you will be asked to go around to the end of the line since we may still have primary drivers trying to access the front of the school.
2:36 pm Grades 4 and 5 classes walk to front of school
Students who stayed for the 27-Minute Club will go to the carline area.
Students will sit and wait on the stairs.
2:36 pm Drivers will proceed forward to the pick up area. Please do not go around another car unless a staff member instructs you to do so.
2:50 pm Students who have not been picked up will be sent to the Office to call home.
Wednesday Dismissal
11:50 TK dismissal at gate near YMCA building (walk up only/no car pick ups)
12:10 Kinder dismissal at gate near YMCA building (walk up only/no car pick ups)
Students not picked up by 12:20, will be walked to the lunch tables.
12:10 Grades 1 – 5 classes walk to front of school.
Grades 1 – 5 who stay for lunch will walk to the cafeteria
Drivers proceed through the carline to pick up students who are not staying for lunch.
12:20 TK students who stayed for lunch are dismissed at the carline.
12:40 K – 5 students who stayed for lunch are dismissed at the carline.